
It’s Not Just About the Downloads

2:00 pm
Room 361
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As the audio boom continues, podcasters are starting to realize the power behind niche audiences. Don’t get us wrong, downloads are a great metric to be tracking, but it shouldn’t measure whether or not your podcast is successful.

Learning about who your listeners are no matter the size of your audience is key to creating effective communities, getting relevant sponsors, and understanding how to grow your audience. Power doesn’t just lie in the hands of podcasts who have hundreds of thousands of listeners, niche podcasts are on the rise.

We’ll be leaving time for questions and comments near the end of the session to make sure all audiences are getting the most value!

Key Take Aways

  • Why we need to shift our mindsets on what a successful podcast is
  • The power of niche audiences
  • How to optimize on niche audiences
  • The importance of finding sponsors that fit with your series
  • How to create your listener profile
Intermediate Social Media & Marketing Session

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